The Longest Wait

This is a poem I wrote 15 years ago during a time of poetry-writing in my life.  Some of them were not bad, some of them were not so good, but this was one of the fun ones 🙂  Just to explain one verse about being sick…when I was small I was sick with a bad cold or the flu every Christmas.  It was almost a tradition.


Wanted: Santa Claus

Image by kevin dooley via Flickr

by Sandra Bell Kirchman

The longest time I ever waited
Probably makes me seem outdated
‘Twas waiting for the day of Yule
And waiting time just seemed too cruel

It’s only 20 sleeps, she said
My mother dear who’s now long dead
You only have to wait that long
Before you hear the Yuletide gong

19, 18, 17, ack
I couldn’t wait to see that pack
Filled with toys and other things
Which made us feel like queens and kings

16, 15, oh dear lord
It’s not that I just want to hoard
It’s that it’s magical ya know
He flies the skies like driven snow

14, 13, getting close
I’m sick so pour another dose
Medicine won’t get me well
The only thing is Santa’s bell

12, 11, 10…now 9!
My cheeks a-quiver, eyes a-shine
Single digit days are great
But ohmigosh I still must wait

8 and 7, 6 and 5,
Santa knows that I’m alive
Doesn’t he, oh tell me true
That he won’t miss and sail right through?

4 and 3 and 2, oh, wow!
He’s coming any minute now
No, wait, there’s one more day to bear
But Christmastime is in the air

And now the countdown is complete
With all the presents at my feet
Childish laughter fills the house
What mem’ries as I click my mouse.

© 1996 Sandra Bell Kirchman

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my blogging friends and readers. Thanks for all your support and encouragement..

12 responses to “The Longest Wait

  1. Love it, Sandra. Happy Holidays!


  2. I love it!


  3. Sandra: Very fun! Too bad this year my countdown would go more like; “3 days ‘til all my company arrive—the house is trashed and resembles a dive!” Have a wonderful Christmas! (7 days…)



  4. This is darling, Sandra. Thanks so much for sharing it!

    As a child, the wait lasted forever . . . as an adult, it arrives at super sonic speed! Why, just yesterday, it was Thanksgiving. 😉


    • Yes, I have noticed that phenomenon. Nowadays, I don’t have to worry about the agony of waiting for something much anticipated. It’s here before I can even get into the anticipation mode. I’m glad you enjoyed the poem.


  5. Lovely poem. Now if I could just get the hang of that dang whistle!


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